Officina Mirabilis è un laboratorio di comunicazione fondato da Vincenzo Notaro, focalizzato sull’equilibrio tra solidità concettuale e design creativo. Ci occupiamo di ideazione e realizzazione di prodotti per l’advertising, dalla progettazione grafica, allo sviluppo di video e siti web. Svolgiamo la nostra attività con passione, estro e dedizione, forti dell’esperienza di un team con competenze multidisciplinari. LEGGI ALTRO
A 20-years journey through communication and ethical advertising

A 20-years journey through communication and ethical advertising

Officina Mirabilis is the agency of communication and ethical advertising based in Naples that is operative all over Italy in the fields of graphic design, photography, video-making, copywriting and web design.

From the creation of the logo to advertising strategies, we also design TV-commercials, provide social-media consultancy and management, news-stories and press office for events.

Officina Mirabilis was officially born in 2017. However, its story spans over twenty years (from 2001), along with the professional and personal history of its founder, Vincenzo Notaro.

Starting to work in the fields of publishing and international art press at a very young age, trying to project the family publishing house – strongly focused on contemporary art – into the future, in the first decade of activity he evolves it towards the web.


Hereunder there are some art catalogues we made thruogh the years.

  • Ideas, shapes and colors, Renato Barisani (Naples, 2007)
    Ideas, shapes and colors, Renato Barisani (Naples, 2007)

From contemporary art, Vincenzo Notaro enters the delicate sector of ethical advertising, with the direction of dozens of important campaigns for multinationals in the pharmaceutical sector, before as art director of other agencies, and from 2017 as creative director of Officina Mirabilis.


Here we cannot publicly show our work for pharmaceutical companies, due to confidentiality agreements and the very nature of ethical drugs, but below is an example of our creative style in ethical advertising.

Every creative idea of ours is born to stimulate the act of thinking and induce sustainable choices aimed at the common good.

We also work for many companies in the field of Antifraud & Corporate protection.


  • ERIS CONSULTING / protection of company informations (based in Florence) logo, creativity for advertising (détournement of Unique forms of cotinuity in space by Umberto Boccioni), content curation, web site development.


Officina Mirabilis has always been attentive to the trends of the sector, thanks to the – at time sociological – study of social media, and entered the field of high-end food & drink, sustainable fashion and touristic marketing.


  • MATY CAMBIO / ecoluxury fashion renting • dress recode • glam buvette (based in Nola) logo, photographic campaign, social content curation, website with embedded system for luxury accessory renting, shop of haute couture coats, digital menu for the buvette corner.


If our communication and ethical advertising services are what you are looking for, contact us for an appointment or a quote, we will be happy to listen to your needs!